Re: object elements with inline data?

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 20:21, Robert Sayre wrote:
> In HTML 4.01, there's a mechanism for including inline data in the data
> attribute of the object element. 
> I've noticed that the example object tag in the latest XHTML2 draft has 
> dropped this practice[1]. What replacements, if any, are being considered 
> for this method?

It is still allowed in XHTML2, but instead of being defined as part of
the (X)HTML spec, XHTML 2 just says "use whatever URL you want". This
includes "data:" URLs, which are defined in RFC 2397[1].

Gecko (Mozilla, Netscape et al.) and Opera[2] already support "data:"

[2] First support was in 7.1x IIRC, though it was a little flaky. 7.2x
fixed a few bugs.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
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Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2004 17:03:37 UTC