Re: Scripting DTD's

The DTD would simply tell the browser how to interpret the If...then, else, 
case and other handlers. XML or at least XHTML would be streatched from a SGML 
based language, to a universal programming language capable of doing anything. 
People could design their own languages bases on their needs. For example in 
if (Navigator.appname == "Netscape"){
alert("ugg, how can you stand that browser!")

Would become
<!ENTITY % Script.Else
" %If | %Then ">
<!ENTITY % Script.Alert "CDATA">
<!ENTITY % Script.Start
" { ">
<!ENTITY % Script.End
" } ">

in a schema

I am not a great XML DTD creator, and handlers would have to added in the 
native language, but it would not be too hard.

Aaron Eldreth
<A HREF=""></A> - Webmaster

Received on Friday, 14 November 2003 08:33:29 UTC