Re: Against 'start' and 'value' attributes

Toby A Inkster wrote @2/15/2003 10:07 AM:
> On Sun, Dec 14, 2003 at 09:00:00PM +0700, Etan Wexler wrote:
> | The typical argument for the 'value' attribute states that the
> | list numbering is an essential part of the content and is not
> | merely style. 
> It sometimes *can* be an essential part of the content. For example, say I 
> create an HTML version of the GNU General Public Licence (you should be 
> able to find a copy somewhere at numbering the legal
> clauses using an ordered list.
> You'll notice that in the GPL, the first clause is numbered "0", the 
> second "1" and so forth. If I acheive this numbering merely using style 
> sheets, then a user agent that doesn't support style sheets will number 
> them from "1" onwards.

I agree that we need a way to specify lists for cases where the list 
markers are part of content. Right now, the workaround is to make it an 
unordered list and insert the marker content in a span in the beginning 
of the element. While this can result to acceptable rendering when 
combined with CSS (hide list bullets and float the "markers") I still 
feel the need for a generic list.

I propose following elements: gl (generic list), lm (list marker) and li 
(list item). Default rendering is exactly the same as with dl, dt and dd 
but the semantics are different; this is an ordered list where the list 
markers are part of the content. I'm aware that the (HTML4) spec suggest 
that dl, dt and dd could be used for other stuff but strict definition 
lists too.

I still think that even though we had this kind of generic list we still 
need a way to continue an ordered list splitted in parts.


Received on Saturday, 15 February 2003 04:46:35 UTC