Re[2]: WD-xhtml2-20021211 comments

Hello everyone, Christoph,

(quite a delayed response)

>>> point is, that I use title on other elements for different tasks than
>>> providing a substitute. It's inconsequent to use it as such on abbr.
>> I quite agree, but then what you need is to rename the attribute, not
>> to add another one.
> title is a common attribute that should not be removed.
Next time Christoph, would you please read exactly what is written,
not what you want it to be? Thank you.
I wasn't proposing to remove the common element, rather I was pointing
to the fact you're not satisfied with the current 'title' role, thus
you need to rename it. But that's just you.

>>> <p xml:lang="de">Die <abbr xml:lang="en" title="Organization of
>>> Petrol Exporting Countries" alt="Organisation Erdöl exportierender
>>> Länder">OPEC</abbr> hat eine Verringerung der Erdölfördermenge
>>> beschlossen.</p>
>> Now you employed 'alt'. How can a UA know the 'alt' is in German?
>> Well, you would say that the <p>'s language shows that.
> Indeed.
For the above stated example, I suggest you just provide expansion in
the text in German and leave the <abbr> with 'xml:lang="en"'. Some
abbreviations are never translated, e. g. NATO or UNESCO. Somewhere in
the text you could explain their purpose in case your readers are not
familiar with them.

>> Let's look at the XML1SE more closely [1]:
> Although this is about XHTML2, I guess it's already such defined in XML 1.0.

>> "A special attribute named xml:lang may be inserted in documents to
>> specify the language used in the contents >>>and attribute values<<<
>> of any element in an XML document."
> Wasn't it possible to override this in the spec?
You don't want this, do you? XML is the basis, who would "override"

>>> The need for pre is becoming less, but it's still there.
>> I don't think so. If you really need those ascii-poems or passages
>> from some other fixed-width source use paragraphs and CSS.
> That's not correct if the poem layout carries meaning, thus at most using
> &nbsp; would be okay.
Why nbsp? Use 'white-space: pre' in your CSS sheet.

>>>>> 10. XHTML List Module
>>>>> name ist not only a bad choice,
>>> it's been renamed to label, already,
>> Reminds me of the form elements. Not a good choice either.
> ACK.
If anyone from the WG is reading this, could you please provide
reasoning for naming it <label>, not <caption> in the 3rd WD?

  Alexander "Croll" Savenkov                                   

Received on Wednesday, 25 December 2002 05:29:11 UTC