escaping escaping

Hello!  Can we chew on the possibility of using CSS's...

style='display: escaped;'

... where a styled-as-such elements' contents would hit the browser 
escaped (not rendered), as in HTML source text?  I probably have my 
terms screwed up, but you understand. :) I am looking for a 
container-tag or method to display html source without manually or 
dynamically escaping the lt's, gt's, quotes, amps, etc... during 
authoring.  display: escaped; sounded rather interesting so I thought 
I'd throw it to the wolves for consumption. :)  I'm still looking-into 
SOURCE, CODE, PRE, SAMP, etc.  All comments welcome.  If 
topic-wandering, email directly to me as wanted.

Best regards!
Uncle Wingnut

Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2002 11:44:00 UTC