'target' attribute disappeared?

Dear all,

I'm trying to spawn a secondary window using

<a href='uri' target='windowName'>...</a>.

On submitting my code to the XHTML1.0 validation suite it fails:-
'target' is no longer an
approved attribute of 'a'.

It's not in the 'Strict' DTD, but it is in the 'Transitional' DTD and
in HTML4.01.

I can find no no mention of it in the XHTML 'Compatability

I can't see any other mechanism for doing this (other than resorting
to JavaScript window.open() ).

Can anyone help me find where this functionality has gone in the
'Strict' version?

Or should one not now be doing this at all?

Your puzzled,

Chris Haynes

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2001 17:23:48 UTC