XHTML -- links and anchors?

I've been an HTML enthusiast and developer for quite a while now, and am 
overjoyed to see the changes you've made in XHTML1.1.  As a constant 
advocate of logical over visual formatting, it seems you're moving in all 
the right directions.

I do have a question, though. :-)

I've noticed that the name attribute of the a tag has been 
removed.  Without it, what is the preferred way to do within-page 
linking?  I would think it would involve the ID attribute defined in the 
Core set (which would actually be great, if it allowed you to link to -any- 
tag, rather than just the 'a' tag), but I don't see a clear 
definition.  Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

I worked for several years on a commercial HTML editor, and constantly ran 
into problems with HTML newbies confusing the a-name and a-href tags, so 
moving the anchor side of the link off to another tag and attribute is a 
wonderful idea.  I just wanted to make sure you haven't nixed the 
functionality altogether. :-)

Thank you!

--Cliff Biffle

These aren't my thoughts.  They're yours.   Mwa.  Mwa ha.  Mwa ha ha ha.

Received on Monday, 26 February 2001 22:17:13 UTC