RE: overlapped span

                    Hello, Richard!

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, Richard T Taylor wrote:

>As I look at this more I realize that you didn't set cellpadding,
>cellspacing border attributes in the table tag and align and valign tags in
>the td/tr tags.  This can also makes it very difficult for this to render
>correctly because different browsers have different defaults.  

Okay, if it make things easier, border=1, padding and spacing are both zero :)

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pawel S. Veselov []
>Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 3:38 PM
>Subject: overlapped span
>    I was trying to create different kind of html tests, that includes
>    really incorrect html for testing a browser. And I got the following,
>    and it appears that neither Netscape nor MSIE can render this html
>    correctly.
>           <td rowspan=2>row<br>span<br>row<br>span<br></td></tr>
>       <tr><td colspan=2>col span</td></tr>
>    So, I got sort of technical question - how a browser should handle 
>    this cases ? I mean is there any well-known algorithm for doing this ?
>    I didn't try Amaya, though.
>So, if you can give some help or suggestions - I would really
>appreciate it.
>    Pawel.

We're living in a golden age.  All you need is gold.
		-- D.W. Robertson.

--                                                                  _
With best of best regards, Pawel S. Veselov (aka Black Angel) __ __(_) _ __
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Received on Friday, 16 June 2000 19:01:38 UTC