Re: So, what's left?

David Wagner <> writes:
> (I always wondered why <img> is an empty element with an alt
> attribute, rather than an element whose content is rendered if the
> UA cannot display it,

Because almost 7 years ago, Marc Andreessen didn't listen to Tim
Berners-Lee when Tim suggested something like[1]

  <a name=fig1 href="fghjkdfghj" REL="EMBED, PRESENT">Figure</a>

instead of <img>.  I often wonder what HTML would look like now
if Marc had listened to Tim.

[1] I'd like to cite a reference for this, but I can't find a
www-talk archive that goes back to February of
is long gone, has lost its content,

is missing 1993 and 1994,

is missing www-talk.1993q1.  I find the apparent loss of this
history very depressing.  Well, since I can't find an archive,
I'll offer

from my personal mailbox.
Dan Riley                               
Wilson Lab, Cornell University      <URL:>
    "History teaches us that days like this are best spent in bed"

Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 18:25:17 UTC