Re: Ignoring empty paragraphs

On Mon, 10 Apr 2000 09:33:55 +0200, Clover Andrew <>

>Surely there's also a valid use for empty <p> tags? Namely, a paragraph
>whose contents will be filled in later using DHTML (appendChild or

Nope, relying on client side execution of code to generate content will
definitely create accessibility conflicts for some client.

Ask your self, what would AltaVista or Google do with it? To the best of
my knowledge none of them executes client side scripts, or understands
about CSS for that matter.

(and they would understand even less about DTD'less xml)

>Sure, you could get around the limitation by using a <div>

Any empty "container type" element needs to go, somehow...

Jan Roland Eriksson <>

Received on Monday, 10 April 2000 18:02:43 UTC