Re: Clean up the "Three Flavor" Mess

|  - from where do you get your numbers that say there are "still too
|    many"?
|  - what is your pain threshold, i.e. at what point will think it's ok
|    to switch to CSS?

1.) From "another mailing list" I've heard that a still tremendous amount of
people us NS3. Speculation is that's because NS3 was the browser advertised
on all of those "Netscape NOW" gif's, and so many websites that used to say
something to the extent of "You need Netscape Navigator 3 to view this

2.) Funny you should ask that, really. :) At my school, I run a computer
club called The Technological Enhancement Committee, or TEC. For it's
homepage, I chose to used nothing BUT strict html4 / css, as well as using
only png's. It's a sort of protest, I suppose, for the "enhancement" of
technology people have on their computers. In more professionalized
situations, though, where I don't control the philosophies presented, I
usually make pages at least "ns3-friendly," which is a thorn in my side.
Usually, what I try to do is find a creative way to make a page that looks
good with older browsers / tags, but looks even better with CSS.

With my last message, don't get me wrong, I'm still the self-proclaimed
"CSS's biggest fan," but I fear its time has not yet come... although I am
very eager for that time TO come. :)

I hope that the development of XML and XHTML will be guided very, very
wisely, implemented lessons learned from mistakes in the past... I think
these lessons HAVE been learned. As id Software's 3d programming guru, John
Carmack is fond of saying, I want to see w3c "Do The Right Thing" with the
future of the web.

Daniel [inanis (edf)]

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 1999 22:05:02 UTC