Re: Printing tags

On 22 Apr 1998, Peter Flynn wrote:

>    Wouldn't it be nice to have these tags: <NOPRINT> </NOPRINT>.  With
>    everything in between filtered out when the page is printed out.  So it could
>    be used to stop navigation bars (usually placed above and below the page
>    content) from being printed.  It would probably save quite a lot of paper.
> This is what the old HTML3 <BANNER> was for, but most browser authors
> failed to implement it. You can do the same with conditional marked
> sections, or even with attributes, but again, browsers don't support
> them.
> I'm afraid the days are long past when you can expect anything to be
> added to HTML now that XML is out.

You can do this with CSS2, people. Attach a stylesheet with MEDIA=print and
include display: none on any element you don't want printed. I haven't
actually tested this, but I know Explorer 4.0 supports MEDIA=print (though
not MEDIA="tty,print" or anything else like that) and dispaly: none so it
might even work.

If we had a browser with full HTML 4.0 and CSS2 functionality (ECMAScript
and DOM wouldn't be bad) we'd almost be ignoring the need for XML. The
specifications are there (well, not all of them final, but still), it's just
a matter of people implementing them. I hope Mozilla's Project Raptor churns
out something nice, I haven't looked at it yet though.

-- Stephanos Piperoglou -- -------------------
All I want is a little love and a lot of money. In that order.
------------------------- --

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 1998 14:40:40 UTC