Re: THEAD & TFOOT for columns

At 2:59 PM -0000 8/15/97, Neil St.Laurent wrote:
>> information.  Any table could, almost by definition, be rotated such that
>> the columns become rows and vice versa.  To me, it therefore makes sense
>> that anything we can say about rows we should also be able to say about
>> columns..
>I like the idea of COLFOOT and COLHEAD, it seems like the simplest
>and most elegant solution.  It sholdn't be any harder to support that
>THEAD and TFOOT, but since nothing supports those...

How about defining a technique for describing all sides of a table?
Something in which there could be left, right, top, and bottom elements
that could be defined.  I don't know if COLFOOT would really solve this or
not, since a column head seems to simply be a subset of the table head,
rather than an element to define a left "header" or right "footer".
Something Like this could do the trick:

    | Column Static                Column | Static
    v                                     v
|        | Jan | Feb | Apr | May | Jun | Total | <--  Row Static
| Bills  |  20 |  34 | 234 |  11 |  23 |  322  |
| Pizza  ....
| Total  |     |     |     |     |     |       | <--  Row Static

[                    Jordan Reiter                     ]
[                 ]
[ "You can't just say, 'I don't want to get involved.' ]
[  The universe got you involved."  --Hal Lipset, P.I. ]

Received on Sunday, 17 August 1997 23:23:49 UTC