Handling relocated anchors...

There's a variety of choices to handle moved pages, but what if 
someone puts a link to http://www.any-site.com/foo.html#bar where 
foo.html is still there, but the anchor "bar" has moved (say when 
that section is large enough to merit it's own page at bar.html)?

A simple kluge is to put a <a name="bar">Moved</a> message for pages 
that link to that section, but it would be nice to mark a referral 
for an anchor that functions like Refresh in HTTPD headers:

  <a name="bar" refer-href="bar.html">

So that any links to foo.html#bar are referred to bar.html.

This could also allow shared abbreviations for a page on a site, 
making maintenance simpler.  If a document has several links to the same 
URL, one could use:

  <a name="Appendix" refer-href="Sections/Appendix/index.html">
  <p>... See the <a href="#Appendix">Appendix</a>...</p>

If the Appendix document is moved, only one change needs to be made 
rather than several changes.

One could place all of these aliases for a site in one file and share 
them among socuments using Server-Side-Includes or maybe a <link> 


"The word to kill ain't dirty     | Robert Rothenburg (WlkngOwl@unix.asb.com)
 I used it in the last line       | http://www.asb.com/usr/wlkngowl/
 but use a short word for lovin'  | Se habla PGP:  Reply with the subject
 and dad you wind up doin' time." | 'send pgp-key' for my public key.

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 1997 13:09:49 UTC