Re: <resouce>, links, and addresses [was: W3C and Handle technology ]

Arnoud "Galactus" Engelfriet:
|I didn't see any mention of the ID attribute in the Wilbur DTD.

Cougar, rather.  numbered versions are much easier to keep track of than these
code names.

Having no expertise or interest in i18n, except that i18n is a Good Thing (best
worked through by others), I didn't pay any attention to the evolution of that

Expecting the i18n document to solely cover issues related to reliably
communicating character sets, character endcodings and the like in HTML, I was
amazed when a draft ostensibly limited in scope to those issues specifies an
alternate means for expressing an anchor tail.

|Agreed, but I was asking about situations like this one:
|<P ID=someid>
|<A NAME=someid>The</A> first example we will consider is...

Special cases like these are why architectural specifications not relating to
character issues should probably not be done in an i18n draft, unless there is
some other compelling reason that I'm missing...


   ID      Used to define a document-wide identifier.  This can be used
           for naming positions within documents as the destination of a
           hypertext link. It may also be used by style sheets for ren-
           dering an element in a unique style. An ID attribute value is
           an SGML NAME token. NAME tokens are formed by an initial let-
           ter followed by letters, digits, "-" and "." characters. The
           letters are restricted to A-Z and a-z.


Received on Thursday, 12 September 1996 15:18:26 UTC