Re: Call for Review: HTML 3.2 Proposed Recommendation (fwd)

At 7:04p -0800 11/13/96, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Peter Flynn shaped the electrons to say...
>>In the light of recent comments, I think the use of comma-separated
>>decimal RGB values should be encouraged and the use of #rrggbb hex
>>should be deprecated, but this obviously needs the support of the
>>software authors, who I suspect are reluctant to change.
>No thank you.
>You know, some of use are UNIX/X heads and to us RGB is just a foreign
>as HEX is to PC/Mac users.

Hey, I'm a Mac user and HEX is not foreign at all! It's only in a *graphics*
program that it's foreign. If I look in a 'clut' resource (color lookup table)
on my Mac, I see FFFF00000000 for red. But in a graphics program, that will be
shown as 65535 (or 255 if scaled down).

Ok, back to HTML. <G>

    Walter Ian Kaye <>     Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 1996 23:41:35 UTC