Something besides a button to POST?

Hello all,

    Has anybody been able to POST a form with something other than a button
(<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT>)?  I'd like to be able to use an HREF or an imagemap to
send multiple user-assigned values to an HTTP server (in a single transaction).
I would be interested in experimental or browser-specific solutions.  Thanks!

*-- Kurt Starsinic ( -------- Programmer/Analyst II --*
|   Electronic Product Systems       Institute for Scientific Information   |
|   (215) 386-0100 x1108 office                        (215) 386-6362 fax   |
|  "Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.  Man did not  |
|   weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.  Whatever he does   |
|   to the Web, he does to himself." - Chief Seattle                        |
*-------------------------- --------------------------*

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 1996 16:38:27 UTC