XHTML1: What is an "isindex element"?

Dear HTML Working Group,

  Appendix C of the XHTML 1.0 Second Edition Recommendation refers
several times to specific "elements". It is not clear to me how
implementations are expected to determine whether an element in an
XML document is such an element. For example, C.6 reads

  Don't include more than one isindex element in the document head.

Does this refer to the "Name" production in production 40 in XML 1.0
Third Edition or does it refer to the local-name of the element as
defined in the Namespaces in XML Recommendation in any namespace (or
none) or does it refer to an element with that local-name in the
namespace "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" and in case of the latter,
what if there is no declaration in the document but the document
references an external subset that probably does declare a #FIXED


Received on Monday, 12 July 2004 00:14:26 UTC