XHTML WAI PF comments

> Daniel Dardailler is Co-Chair of WAI PF & liaison in that area; I am cc'ing
> him on this. Daniel, is there a report coming from WAI PF's review, or was
> that already sent & if so can you send a pointer to your comments on the
> www-html-editor list? 

From: Daniel Dardailler <danield@w3.org>
To: steven.pemberton@cwi.nl
cc: dsr@w3.org, quint@w3.org
Subject: XHTML WAI PF comments
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 16:19:02 +0200

Current issues for XHTML as defined by:

1) Regarding the TABLE/FORM 3.2 modules split:

We feel these are improper categories for TABLE/FORM modularization
because not everything added to HTML4 is a burden on the client's
processor/memory. If the goal is to lessen the burden, do so more
selectively. We are prepared to work with you on the list of what is
essential and needs to be retained in this constraint environment
(e.g. scope in 4.0 TABLE is not a burden and is important for
accessibility, and so is OPTGROUP in 4.0 FORM).

2) Regarding block presentational and inline presentational modules.

We think this is something that needs to be dropped completely from
XHTML (in favor of using XSL/CSS) but we fail to understand how long
the requirement to be syntactically equivalent - that was mentioned at
some point for the first release of XHTML - is going to be in effect.

3) When are we going to see new features (like device independent
event model, counter constructs, etc) addressed by the group ?

Unless you feel the need to clarify some of these back with WAI PF, in
which case a discussion can happen on the PF list or on our next
telecon, please include those in your list of open issues and
communicate them to your WG.



Received on Friday, 23 April 1999 04:51:31 UTC