Re: question about embedded instance vs. ref to an xml file

Hard to tell without seeing exact content here.

If you have external data that stops working when you put it inline, then 
my first guess would be to ask if you are sure the namespace context set 

If you have external XML, it starts with a default namespace of xmlns="" 
whether or not you declare it in the data.  So if you *don't* include 
xmlns="" in the data, then the unqualified element names take xmlns="" as 
the default when the data is standalone, but they will take whatever 
default namespace is inherited from the document when you put the content 

Less likely, but a possibility would be to ask whether the XML contains 
any leading XMLDecl content, like a DTD.  The XML grammar allows certain 
content at the beginning of an XML file that cannot be placed into the 
content of an XML element.

Hope this helps.

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM, Interactive Documents and Web 2.0 Applications
Chair, W3C Forms Working Group
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab

Blog RSS feed:

"Howard, Chris" <>
05/12/2009 03:01 PM
question about embedded instance vs. ref to an xml file

Hi forms experts.

I've run into a little problem. 

I have an xforms file which I can serve up to myself using
apache on one of my unix servers.  It is set up to use
formsPlayer on the client side.  And that is all working fine.

In that setup I'm using an instance reference to an xml file
which is also serveable from the same server.

Now I'm trying to apply that form to some xml files of the
same schema.  But these files are not servable through

So my plan was to use a perl-cgi script and a placeholder
in the xform text.  I open the file requested,  I send out
the first part of my xform, then the guts of the file
as an inline instance definition, then the rest of the xform.

To test that, I'm taking the cgi script output and
serving that up to myself as a file.  And it's different.

Part of the form in the middle of everything isn't displaying.
I've looked it over multiple times, and I don't see
anything wrong with my tags.

The bottom line is that it seems to work differently 
when using an in-line instance definition than it
does with a referenced xml file.

I'm hoping maybe someone can tell me what to look for.
Maybe there is some kind of encoding that I need to do
to my inline instance data?  I don't know.

Chris Howard

Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2009 23:26:39 UTC