Re: Events automatically dispatched at startup

Right...the select/deselect events are notifications when cases change.
They, like MIP events, are not sent at form startup but only when changes
occur.  There is some current discussion on the public forms list as to the
future direction for event lifecycles but your observation is correct for
the current specification. describes the
sequencing of select and deselect events for toggling cases...Thanks,
Charlie Wiecha

Charles Wiecha
Multichannel Web Interaction
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, N.Y.  10598
Phone: (914) 784-6180, T/L 863-6180, Cell: (914) 282-3483

  To:         <>                                                                                              
  Date:       12/22/2009 01:47 PM                                                                                             
  Subject:    Events automatically dispatched at startup                                                                      
  Sent by:                                                                                        


I've been implementing "xforms-select" event support in XSLTForms for
<xf:case>. Because there is always a selected case, I decided to
automatically dispatch this event just after "xforms-ready" treatment.

I believe there would be an inconsistency not dispatching this event but I
compared with some other client implementations which, incidently, don't.

What is the best to consider : dispatching or not ? In which order switches
should be processed ?

Thank you for your suggestions.

Best regards,

Bordeaux, France

Received on Tuesday, 22 December 2009 19:20:45 UTC