Re: Is switch legal inside a repeat?

Hi Charlie,

> In XForms 1.0 <switch> was not allowed within <repeat> due to concerns
> about the resulting duplication of IDs that would result.  In XForms 1.1
> this has been addressed -- see section 4.7 of the working draft at

Just to clarify, XForms 1.0 didn't say that switch was "not allowed"
inside repeat, it said that the behaviour was undefined:

  A necessary consequence of this is that XForms 1.0 does not specify the
  behavior of construct switch within element repeat. Future versions of
  XForms may specify the behavior of switch inside repeat based on
  implementation experience and user feedback.

We provided support for 'switch in repeat' in formsPlayer a long time
ago, and it was this clause that allowed us do so with a clear
conscience. :)



  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Sunday, 3 June 2007 21:15:47 UTC