Question about help, hint and alert

Dear Working Group,

I am curious about the reason why there can be multiple alerts, helps 
and hints elements as children under a form controls.

What is the expected rendering of several hints? Many implementations 
use tool tips but what would several tool tips look like in that case?

What is the expected rendering of several helps? Many implementations 
displays a help dialog but would one expect more than one dialog, should 
it pick one or collect the elements into one dialog?

What is the expected rendering of several alerts? Some implementations 
displays the alerts as inline content which make the rendering of alert 
easy. Some implementations displays a modal dialog and here the question 
is the same as for help and alert.

The only reason for having multiple alerts, helps and hints I can think 
of is for localization in the UI using xml:lang but I thought that 
XForms expect an author to use instances for localization so I wondered 
if there is another reason. When creating a UI for XForms it seems to me 
that having 0 or 1 help, hint and alert element would be easier to both 
implement and use.

I have attached three testcases the working group can use for investigation.

Best regards,

David Landwehr (
Chief Executive Officer, SolidApp
Office: +45 48268212
Mobile: +45 24275518

Received on Friday, 3 February 2006 09:33:01 UTC