"Value Change with Focus Change" when the focus doesn't change...

The spec says, under "4.6.1 For input, secret, textarea, range, or 
upload Controls":

"When the form control is interactively changed, and has the 
"incremental="true" setting, the event sequence described at 4.6.7 
Sequence: Value Change with Focus Change may be initiated at 
implementation dependent intervals."

Does it really make sense to send DOMFocusOut and DOMFocusIn events when 
the focus hasn't changed? I would imagine that in this case, "Sequence: 
Value Change with Focus Change" would still be valid but would NOT send 
DOMFocusOut and DOMFocusIn events at all. I don't see anything in the 
errata on the subject.


Received on Monday, 27 June 2005 14:35:31 UTC