Re: xforms for inhomogenous collections

"Borgrink, Susan" <> writes:

> Oliver, 
>  In response to your first question, you should be able to
>  achieve what you are thinking by using the group element with
>  relevance. It would be very similar to the idea you had with
>  the switch, but it would be based on the "XPath predicate".

Thank you, Susan. I have not thought of the group element. Though I do
not yet understand how exactly I should solve this first point. I do
not yet understand the standard in every detail. The way I see it,
"relevance" in the context of the group element refers to the
"relevant" attribute of a bind element in the model. Is that correct?
If so, I do not yet understand how I (as a user of my application)
could specify a bind element that would lead to the desired
effect. Could you give me a hint?

I guess, the simplest thing for my purpose would be something like the
following (with the example data in my last message). But as far as I
can see, this would be an extension.  Is that what you suggest?

    <xforms:repeat ref="/record-set/record">

      <xforms:group relevant="@type = 'author'">
 <h2>An Author</h2>
 <xforms:input ref="name">
   <xforms:label>Author Name</xforms:label>

      <xforms:group relevant="@type = 'book'">
 <h2>A Book</h2>
 <xforms:input ref="title">
   <xforms:label>Book Title</xforms:label>


>  In response to your second question, the repeat element has an
>  attribute called "number" that tells the processor how many of
>  the collections to display at a time. [...]
>  How you choose to design it, is up to you.

Thank you. This "number" attribute is exactly what I was looking for.

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Received on Wednesday, 17 December 2003 13:00:16 UTC