

According to par. 6.4.1 of the specification, binds can be nested. If I
understand it well, the purpose of this construction is to inherit
constraints from outer to inner binds. But as this topic is not expanded in
the specs, there are several unclear things to me:

1) How constraint conflicts are to be resolved? Do the constraints on inner
binds override the constraints on outer binds, or are they to be combined
together? E.g.:

	<bind ref="/a/b" relevant="false()">
		<bind ref="/a/b" relevant="true()" />


	<bind ref="/a//*" relevant="false()">
		<bind ref="/a/b" relevant="true()" />

(or try to substitute readOnly for relevant).

And what if two binds are on the same tree level? E.g.:

	<bind ref="a/b" relevant="true()" />
	<bind ref="a/b" relevant="false()" />

2) Are the xpaths on inner binds relative to the xpath in the "ref"
attribute on the outer bind? E.g.:

	<bind ref="a">
		<bind ref="b" calculate="../c" />

3) Why predicates are restricted in 6.4.2? How would you do e.g. something
like "Copy the value from "a/b" if "a/c" is 1":


when dynamic predicates are not allowed?

Thank you,

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 06:32:06 UTC