[LC1.1] 11.8 The header Element

LC comment on 

Section states: "The submission element can contain zero or more header 
child elements, which must appear immediately after the optional resource 
and verb elements."

What happens when this occurs:

Should this dispatch some fatal error?
Should the <verb> be ignorred?
Should the first <header> be ignorred?

Why is this order important?  I can possibly see how resource and verb may 
conflict but not sure about header.

This comment also indirectly applies to 11.6 <resource>, which states 
"first child of submission" and 11.7.2 verb element, which says 
"immediately after optional resource element".  As far as handling of 
these items if out of order.

Steve Speicher
IBM SWG, Software Standards

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2007 12:47:32 UTC