Re: improving xforms dispatch

Greetings. My use case could be that: 
in xforms, actually, if i need to dispatch an event depending on instance value (e.g. if returncode is ok, then dispatch event a, else event b) the only way i have found is to use a hidden field (xforms:input) binded to instance data, and then i play with valid/invalid to start the right event. It would be a lot easier if i could use an xpath expression on dispatch/@name. 

Also, i could define a button on a form that is binded to different actions depending on instance data ( i'm not too skilled :(, but i think this is quite hard to do today, since it is needed to access to form properties an modify them, or keep more than a button in the form and show'em conditionally, that seems to me quite bulky).

Thank you for the quick answer. If you can help me with some suggestion i will be grateful.
Best regards. Giovanni.

Received on Friday, 3 December 2004 16:54:51 UTC