Re: What the hell is going on here?

Someone (or thing) subscribed me to this list.  I did not receive the
FAQ or whatever on this list, but instead began receiving random
messages.  I don't really mind being on the list as interesting
discussions do take place here, but is always nice to know how one came
to be on a particular list...

Vivek wrote:
> You can get yourself off the www-font mailing list by sending a
> message to
> with a Subject of
>         unsubscribe
> (that is, the word "unsubscribe" in the Subject: line in the message header)
> This information is in the message sent to all new subscribers.
> Lee
> --
> Liam Quin,         | lq-text freely available Unix text retrieval
> Senior Technical Consultant   | FAQs: Metafont fonts, OPEN LOOK UI, OpenWindows
> SoftQuad Inc. +1 416 544-9000 | xfonttool (Unix xfontsel in XView)
>      | The barefoot programmer

Received on Tuesday, 12 November 1996 18:55:48 UTC