www-dom@w3.org from July to September 2015 by subject

[Bug 16489] Retrieve element language

[Bug 17426] Consider adding a replaceContents() method

[Bug 19007] Consider adding a swap() method

[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?

[Bug 20976] Define base URLs in DOM

[Bug 21066] Provide an event path API

[Bug 24637] [imports] "style sheet that is blocking scripts" should be generalized to support HTML Imports

[Bug 25080] Indicate only a subset of selectors is supported

[Bug 25428] hasFeature removal was premature

[Bug 25470] [imports]: improve description of async to clarify execution order

[Bug 25566] [imports]: Supporting more than just the script-src CSP directive in imports.

[Bug 25827] action vs notification

[Bug 26841] Consider allowing developers to set the :scope element

[Bug 27310] Virtual DOM and DOM diff

[Bug 27436] Document.charset

[Bug 27688] Odd comment in DOM spec about the new "Elements" class

[Bug 27713] An explanation is needed for what purpose is served by transient registered observers.

[Bug 27743] It would be clearer if Documents had mode and type explicitly included in their list of "internal slots"

[Bug 28051] [imports]: showing <dialog> from import

[Bug 28943] avoid "nuked"

[Bug 28943] New: avoid "nuked"

[Bug 29140] New: Using HTML5 single page references are necessary?

[DOM3Events] InputDevice API sketch

[dom] "A DOMSettableTokenList object is equivalent to ..."

[dom] "If context object’s parent is parent, replace t..."

[dom] Add "inclusive siblings" term

[dom] Add caniuse info boxes like the HTML spec

[dom] Clarify intro text on non-normative sections

[dom] Consider banning insertNode() of the Range's start node

[dom] Consider making `timestamp` a DOMHighResTimestamp

[dom] Consider specifying document.evaluate and document.createNSResolver

[dom] Design base URL change notification system

[dom] Document.defaultCharset

[dom] DOM should add hooks for sync events that happen during insert/remove operations

[dom] DOMTokenList#toggle: don't treat everything non-undefined as true

[dom] Factor getElementsBy* into ParentNode or NonElementParentNode?

[dom] Incorrect link in createEvent definition

[dom] Make createAttribute() lowercase the input in HTML documents

[dom] Missing spaces in rendered spec HTML

[dom] More bikeshed problems

[dom] MutationObserver callbacks should be called before executing defer scritps

[dom] MutationObserver with querySelector for elements

[dom] Node.replaceChild() doesn't correctly queue mutation records

[dom] Pull Request: Add EventListenerOptions

[dom] Pull Request: Fix typo in id #firint-vents -> #firing-events

[dom] Pull Request: Make createAttribute() lowercase the input in HTML documents

[dom] Pull Request: Make two loops to adopt a node

[dom] Pull Request: Queuing of mutation records looks inconsistent

[dom] Pull Request: Run latest bikeshed

[dom] Pull Request: Run the adopting steps recursively

[dom] Pull Request: Use Boilerplate: omit feedback-header to remove redundant GitHub link

[dom] Queuing of mutation records looks inconsistent

[dom] Read-only OS time formatting preferences

[dom] removeEventListener doesn't handle currently dispatching events

[dom] Rename Elements to ElementList

[dom] Selected Text

[dom] Should EventInit contain 'timestamp'?

[dom] this will not work properly. May i recieve a specification as to why

[dom] Upgrade addedNodes and removedNodes to FrozenArray?

[dom] Use `commonAncestorContainer` in concept-range-clone

DOM Events Proposal: EventListenerOptions 'mayCancel' for improved scroll performance

IME endcomposition event imeplementation inconsistencies

query methods should throw SyntaxError

UI Events - Mouse Events and iframe targetting

UI Events telecon next week?

UI Events telecon raw log (7 July 2015)

Last message date: Sunday, 27 September 2015 08:53:30 UTC