[DOM3Events] minutes from 6 May 2014 call

The minutes from May 6 D3E call are at the following and copied below:



W3C <http://www.w3.org/>

  - DRAFT -


    07 May 2014

See also:IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2014/05/07-webapps-irc>


    garykac, Travis, Gary, Masayuki


  * Topics <http://www.w3.org/2014/05/07-webapps-minutes.html#agenda>
     1. Trying to close out 23906
  * Summary of Action Items


<scribe> scribe: Travis

<scribe> scribeNick: Travis

<masayuki> Hello,

<garykac> hallo

<garykac> Masayuki: I put in a fix 

<garykac> BAsically just adding a virtual 'Accel' key that maps to 'OS' 
(Win), 'Meta' (Mac) or Super/Hyper (Linux)

      Trying to close out 23906


<garykac> And with the modifier keys, we have attributes for shift, alt, 
meta and control

<garykac> We don't want to any more attributes (since we'd probably have 
to add another 6 or 7, which would be unwieldy)

<garykac> But if we want people to use getmodifierstate, should these 4 
attributes be marked as deprecated?

<garykac> Also, we have a lot of modifier keys in the modifier key list. 
I'm not sure that all of them make sense with getmodifierstate().

<masayuki> garykac: Oh, that's not my intent of bug 23906. I want it 
maps to Ctrl (Win), Command (Mac), depends on settings (Linux).

<garykac> masayuki:ah. 'ctrl' for win makes sense. that way 'Accel' + c 
is "copy" on all 3 OSs.

<masayuki> Um, adding only on getModifierState() is simpler, though...

<garykac> masayuki: yes, it could have been put there

<masayuki> I think that on most environments, the acceleration key on 
Linux is Ctrl. E.g., Fedora and Ubuntu.

<masayuki> However, somebody using Mac keyboard may customize 
acceleration key as Super or Hyper if it's possible.

<garykac> Is it easy to get the current acceleration key on Linux?

I'm wondering why we are using the term "Accel" -- this confused me, and 
made me think of ALT key use, such as ALT+F to get the File menu, ALT+T 
for the tools menu, ALT+H for help... I thought those things were called 

<garykac> If it's hard to determine which key is being used for menu 
shortcuts, then this might be too complex to be worthwhile.

<masayuki> On Firefox, users can customize it with Firefox's 
about:config. How about Google Chrome?

<garykac> masayuki: I don't know

<masayuki> I think that which is an "Accel" modifier should be decided 
by browser because its purpose is that providing a way to useful web 
apps own shortcut key implementation.

<masayuki> If browser's shortcut key is Alt+Foo, when 
KeyboardEvent.altKey is true, .getModifierState("Accel") should return true.

I just remembered that Web applications can't reliabily work with ALT 
(on windows) anyway, because the OS steals focus from the browser client 
to focus the browser frame's accelerator menus. So, yeah, ALT doesn't 
really work as an Accel key.

<masayuki> Travis: Yes. It's just an example.

My only suggestion at this point is to go with the full name 
"Accelerator" rather than "Accel" which seems like a weird shortname...

<garykac> Does FF Mac have the ability to change the accel key? I don't 
see it in prefs.

<masayuki> garykac: Yes, it's ui.key.accelKey. You need to reboot 
Firefox, though.

<masayuki> 17 for Ctrl, 18 for Alt, 224 for Meta, 91 for Win, 0 for none.

<masayuki> (the values are .keyCode value on Gecko...)

<masayuki> I'm not sure which is better "Accel" or "Accelerator" since 
it should be natural word for native English engineers.

Actually, "AccelKey" might work for me.

<garykac> masayuki: on Mac most shortcuts use ⌘, so changing this 
setting would affect those shortcuts. But the "Home" shortcut is Option 
+ Arrow. What would happen to this shortcut if I change my default 
shortcut to Option?

<masayuki> garykac: Not affected. And it may conflict with Command + Home.

<garykac> ok.

<garykac> so, I'll change the text to map 'Accel''Ctrl'

<garykac> ...'Accel' to 'Control' for Windows

<garykac> Another issue: there are 15 modifier keys. I'm not sure it 
makes sense for getmodifierstate to support them all.

HTML5 is using the term accesskey for the ALT combos in 

So, basically "access" is out for a name :)

<garykac> On the Mac, you cannot query for the state of the CapsLock 
key. So I'm not sure how get modifier state would support that.

<garykac> And I think that Fn and FnLock are not exposed as well.

Note, we now have "DeadKey" in the key tables as of a few days ago... 
may need to change that to just "Dead"?

<garykac> I think that 'Dead' is more consistent - we don't use the 
'Key' suffix for any other key value.

<masayuki> garykac: It's included in [NSEvent modifierFlags]. 

<garykac> masayuki: That's great. Being able to query CapsLock state is 
very useful. I've heard that there were problems getting it on the Mac - 
glad to see there's a way to do it./

<garykac> With beforeinput, FF has a 

We noted that in HTML5, the input event is just a generic Event type, 
not an InputEvent. There's no technical reason to have .data, but having 
isComposing is useful. We should be mindful that this is different from 

<garykac> OK. I'm going to check with folks internally who are 
interested in working on beforeinput. To check to see if they have any 
comments on it.

I think we're done for today.

<garykac> Aside from that, I don't have anything else today to talk about.

I plan to work on some more bugs this week.

<garykac> I'll make the additional changes to clarify the Accel key 
text. I'll resolve the bug and ping you two to review the updated text.

<masayuki> I'm working on KeyboardEvent.code on Firefox.

<garykac> Thansk!

<masayuki> Thanks.

See ya!

<garykac> masayuki: Cool. Let us know if you encounter anything strange.

<garykac> g'night.

    Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2014 10:32:28 UTC