Re: proposal: add input/keyboard locale to text and keyboard events [ISSUE-119]

>> I think you mean null, not "" ;)
>> -Olli

So, I originally though it would be null. However, I had a discussion with shepazu about null versus "" for the .char property of KeyboardEvent.  The spec currently says,

                    "For a key which does not have a character representation, the value must be null."

But Doug claimed this was a mistake and it should actually be "". The explanation was that because .char is a DOMString, returning "" instead of null allows it to continue being a string. So taking the same logic, I made the conclusion that .inputLocale would also be "" when not determined.

If Doug is making the change for .char to be "" when not determined, then I think inputLocale should also be "".  Empty strings still fail an if-test, so I don't personally care if it's "" or null. But both properties should probably consistent in what they return when a proper value is not determinable.


Received on Tuesday, 14 December 2010 19:44:02 UTC