Re: DOM3 Events last call comment

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
> Hi, Jonas-
> Jonas Sicking wrote (on 10/21/10 7:09 PM):
>> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Doug Schepers<>  wrote:
>>>  * mobile Web wasn't really here yet, and Web developers were focused
>>> only on
>>>  the traditional desktop WIMP
>> I assume that you are referring to the fact that mobile introduced
>> activate-through-touch here?
>> However click vs. activate was an issue long before mobile or touch.
>> As long as the web platform has existed we've had
>> activate-through-keyboard as well as activate-through-mouse.
>> So I don't think the above was a contributor.
> No, I'm saying that when DOMActivate was first specced, in 1999-2000, there
> wasn't a clean mobile-web model or significant use of inputs other than
> keyboard and mouse, so click seemed to serve content authors just as well as
> DOMActivate... they didn't need to think as much about an abstraction that
> covered keyboard, mouse, touch inputs, voice, and whatever, equally well.
> That dynamic has since shifted, and there is more need for an activation
> event... just not necessarily DOMActivate, because of the other problems
> with it.

I'm arguing that even "just" keyboard and mouse is enough to warrant a
activation event, separate from mouse-click and key-press. So the need
always existed.

Anyhow, I suspect we're arguing an unimportant aspect as we seem to
both agree that in an ideal world there would be a separate activation
event different from "click", but that's not the ideal world that
we're living in.

/ Jonas

Received on Friday, 22 October 2010 00:21:10 UTC