Re: Reviews of DOM 3 Core and Load&Save

On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 13:35, François Yergeau wrote:
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> In appendix B.1.1, the first sentence (after the initial Note) is really
> hard to parse.  Comments in the algorithms say things like "if the
> prefix/namespace pair is within scope...", using this wording would be
> clearer.  It's not an element that's within scope, it's really the
> prefix/namespaceURI pair.  Some rewording/tightening needed.

The first sentence was reworded:

An element's prefix/namespace URI pair is said to be within the scope of
a binding if its namespace prefix is bound to the same namespace URI in
the [in-scope namespaces] defined in [XML Information Set]. 

We looked for further changes without much to do however. The third
paragraph was slightly tweaked to use prefix/namespace URI pair.

Hope those changes helps understanding this section,


Received on Friday, 3 October 2003 11:40:54 UTC