Re: Last Call Issues for WD-DOM-Level-3-Events

On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 18:13, Brad Pettit wrote:
> 1.5.2. Mouse event 
> Issue public0023 notwithstanding, the spec should discuss the
> implementation's responsibility regarding screen- and
> client-coordinate translation with regard to DOM 0 event handlers.
> Since one set of coordinates implies the other set of coordinates,
> applications might assume some behavior - once again the
> "first-implementation- dictates-the-spec" problem.

We added the following in the description of the MouseEvent interface:
Note: When initializing MouseEvent objects using initMouseEvent or
initMouseEventNS, implementations should use the client coordinates
clientX and clientY for calculation of other coordinates (such as target
coordinates exposed by DOM Level 0 implementations).

> Regarding the resolution of 0023, this _is_ a future version and it
> seems like a good time to address this issue, particularly since new
> API is being added. I'd suggest that the new API remove the
> specification of screen/sclient coordinates entirely and support ONLY
> target-relative coordinates. That would be less ambiguous.

screen and client coordinates were part of DOM Level 2 MouseEvent
interface and therefore cannot be removed without breaking the backward
compatibility. Adding target coordinates on top of them would add more
confusion than anything else. So the decision was to keep the status quo
and add the note above.

As usual, let us know if you are satisfy or not with the resolution.


Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2003 16:29:30 UTC