Re: DOMConfiguration error type

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 09:57, Gareth Reakes wrote:
> Hi,
> 	thanks for your very quick reply. I must be missing something here 
> as this is still not clear to me. Here is my situation:
> Namespace normalization is occurring and one of the error conditions is
> encountered. 
> I report a DOMError through the ErrorHandler.
> >From 
> I understand that relatedData should be a node.
> I don't understand what type should be. It is not described at the same 
> location.

type should an identifier for the error. It could be very general, such
as "namespace", or have more granularity in order to differentiate the
different types of namespace errors that can occur in a document.
Providing a complete description of type in that case would require
doing a catalog of namespace errors, which is something we want to avoid
(the XML Core WG avoided it as well, at least for now). So, when the
type is not given explicitly, it's up to your implementation to provide

> At
> it says that when the error is specified then this information will be 
> provided. It gives an example where type is "infoset-baseURI". I am trying 
> to find what type should be for the error conditions I am encountering. I 
> would assume it was something like "DOMNode".

This one also requires clarification in LS...


Received on Friday, 9 May 2003 12:08:11 UTC