Re: DOM Level 2 Last Call pending open issues

"Johnny Stenback"
> Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> >>*** I6 HTMLFormElement::submit           ***
> >>
> >>In DM3, the invocation of the submit() method causes the firing of
> >>ONSUBMIT event prior to performing its intended semantics, and, if
the event
> >>returns a value that is equivalent (coercable) to FALSE, then those
> >>semantics (form submission) are ignored.
> I checked with Netscape 3.0, 4.7, 6.x and with IE5.5, neither of which
> fire the onsubmit event when the submit method is called on a form.

This would be significantly incompatible with existing scripts, the
submit method is very commonly used in scripts so as to circumvent the
onsubmit event.  Existing scripts will break, making many forms
unsubmittable.  While backwards compatibility isn't essential, there
needs to be very, very good reasons not to be - this doesn't appear to
have any good reason.


Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2002 04:38:39 UTC