Re: createProcessingInstruction and 'xml'

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 10:14:17AM -0800, Ray Whitmer wrote:
> The specification could do with a clarification, especially if existing 
> implementations could agree.  I believe that some implementations may be 
> using processing instructions named "xml" to represent XML declarations 
> and text declarations that look just like a PI using the reserved xml 
> name.  Others clearly do not.

Hi Ray,

The W3C FAQ on DOM states that implementations that do that are in the
wrong; so setting in stone that createProcessingInstruction shouldn't
accept 'xml' as a target would not create more confusion. Future
implementations can then more easily avoid the pitfall.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer
| Digital Creations
| Creators of Zope

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2001 13:49:23 UTC