RE: DOM 3 Core: Overlap with JAXP, Document order of attributes, getChildElementsByTagName, Exceptions

Jeff Yates writes:
 > I believe the problem is that there is no conforming
 > implementations built into a browser as yet.  The closest I have
 > run into is Mozilla and it has it's bugs.  The one that applies to
 > this is that the DOM constructors are NOT exposed until an object
 > of that type is constructed first.

  Sounds like a pretty serious bug from the user's standpoint!  But as
long as it's an implementation but, then there should be no need to
change the DOM specification or even the ECMAScript mapping.

Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations

Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2001 14:58:58 UTC