RE: DOM Level 2 Core Features

Here are some features I have added to my DOM implementation to make it more
useful.  Some of them reiterate items on most peoples' wish lists...

1)  Document creation.  No surprise here, although I also support
instantiating a document from XML source, as well as streaming a document
out to XML source (C++ I/O streams).

2) ExceptionCode MEMORY_ERR = -1.  Very useful to catch allocation failures.

3) Direct child element searching by tag name or attribute value.

4) Convenience functions for adding a Text child to an element, or
retrieving the text content of an element.

5) Validation function for DOMString to ensure it is a valid "name" value.

Tom Otvos
Director of Research, Pervasive Software Inc.
"Try not! Do, or do not. There is no 'try'." - Yoda

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 1998 10:08:26 UTC