Re: prototype DOM TS Level [1|2] [Core|HTML]

Some quick early observations on Mac OS X:

Mozilla 1.3b:

Eventual complain about staff.xml.html not being found ( I believe on 
L1 HTML).  I suspect this is a general error where the <load> directive 
included an extension.  But otherwise it looks similar to Mozilla on 
other platforms.

Microsoft Internet Explorer:mac 5.2

Initializing jsUnit from local filesystem doesn't work.  Get complain 
that file:///file:/localhost... can't be loaded.  Slightly better from 
http, but still times out reading test page.

Safari will time out reading test page.  I haven't gotten either Safari 
or Konqueror 3.1 to pass the jsUnit 1.3.3 self tests.  I think that the 
Konqueror team has been able to run the earlier tests, but I don't know 
if that was with a later version or if there is some setting that I'm 

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 01:07:30 UTC