Re: PF Response: @Summary

Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> <table summary="Child investment portfolios with budgeted, actual and
>> forecast running costs for particular dates">
> It's much shorter, and it's caption-like.

Agreed, so it could be improved. Assessing this issue is qualitative, it
is also subjective. There is no absolute ruling as to what is, or isn't
/correct/. What is important is that the mechanism exists in the first
place and in the final analysis it is the authors discretion that needs
to be exercised.

> I think this anecdotal case study supports the notion that @summary
> isn't actually used as prescribed--not even by experts.

You could take that view, but it doesn't progress the argument. The
point is moot.



Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2009 10:58:52 UTC