Re: [Ietf-honest] Adding people to the honest IETF list

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 05:37:18PM -0400, Dean Anderson wrote:
> Its become obvious to me that this is part of a coordinated effort to
> disrupt this list and annoy its participants. Julian Reschke is not a
> member of the ietf-honest list, but responded to Noah Slater's message.
> This was logged in
> There were also some messages by non-subscribers from the Vixie crowd.
> Its just another scam by the same old set of scammers.
> I suggest to list members that we just ignore these tirades, and people
> should just delete the messages from et al.
> On the positive side, we know more about who the scammers are.

Just for the record, this is totally untrue.

Is it really so hard for you to believe that I'm just a regular guy who got
pissed off with your antisocial behaviour? Must I be part of some organised
conspiracy against you to have a problem with your behaviour?

You harvested a bunch of emails from a bunch of public lists and subscribed
them to some random list you created because you're angry at something that
is probably unimportant for most of those people, and you're surprised that
people are unhappy with you?

Sure, you're upset, and you want raise awareness of your agenda. When I was
more active with Free Software, this was something that was important to me
too. But my activism did not include harvesting, and spamming, people.


Noah Slater,

Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2009 21:54:30 UTC