summary issue closed

Hi all,
in february Josh, raised an issue in the issue tracker [1] (via
jgraham) about the dropping of the summary attribute, . He was preparing to
discuss it at the teleconference a few weeks ago, but ran out of time (there
has not been a teleconference since , so no chance for further discussion).
We have discussed it privately since and thought it may be best to get PF WG
to review the issue. Now the issue has been closed by the editor.

So now he will have to re-raise the issue, which he didn't get chance to
discuss in the first place, but  '"without mentioning summary="" ' (as per

what gives? any ideas?

related email:
[2] ISSUE-32 (table-summary): Include a summary attribute for tables? [HTML
5 spec] <>

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Sunday, 23 March 2008 20:56:22 UTC