w3photo image-regions vocabulary, w3.org namespace

CC'ing Sandro and Ivan

Ref: #swig and #semsol chat yesterday [1][2].

Hi Dan,

Sandro suggested another attempt to make the w3photo/image-regions 
vocabulary[3] available at [4]. We somehow missed to complete the 
process back then, but there seems to be some demand again, maybe
I'll manage to even get the w3photo data up again this year, if I
find some collaborators. 

The last related mail I could find is archived at [5]. We had the 
agreement of all vocab contributors. An RDF/XML version is available
at [6], we should maybe tweak it a bit and align it with today's
better practices (e.g. get rid of the inverses, maybe also of the
hasPropertyOf pattern, but only if that doesn't complicate the 
publishing process. I'd have to check with Morten which terms he
has been using already, those should be kept stable).


[1] http://chatlogs.planetrdf.com/swig/2008-01-18.html#T11-16-49
[2] http://arc.semsol.org/community/irc/logs/2008/01/18#T15:39:32Z
[3] http://www.bnowack.de/w3photo/pages/image_doc_rdfsowl
[4] http://www.w3.org/2004/02/image-regions#
[5] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2004Apr/0090.html
[6] http://www.bnowack.de/w3photo/specs/ontology8

Benjamin Nowack

semsol web semantics
Bielefelder Str. 5
40468 Duesseldorf, Germany

fon: +49.211.7316824
fax: +49.211.1587107


Received on Saturday, 19 January 2008 10:00:37 UTC