Re: overlength version

This is now the submitted version (the PDF is one I have downloaded from 
the site, after having uploaded it)

I had to cut quite a bit, I hope people agree with my choices.
I tried to cut waffly phrases, unnecessary techy stuff (like namespace 
decl, and the DTD).
I also rephrased things in paragraphs whose last line was very short, in an 
effort to save a line. Sometimes this loses words like "However" or "in 
order" which might disrupt the flow a bit.

I will review it all tomorrow, and the e-mail, and maybe upload again.


PS I didn't quite cut enough to fit the acknowledgements in, we will have 
to cut just a bit more before the final public version (assuming we get in).

PPS Pat said he had an acknowledgement line to add too.

PPPS Feel free to phone tomorrow; I should be at home about half the time 
+39 0586 89 03 55.

Received on Friday, 16 April 2004 19:05:10 UTC