Re: next chat - 31 July 2002

> I've been playing with an "annotated EARL example" [...]

Couple of comments apparently addressed to me in:-
Annotated EARL examples
Last-Modified: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:26:05 GMT

   "rdfs - is not actually used in this example. (@@SBP do we
   need to include it if it is not used?) "

Nope: you can take the xmlns:rdfs attribute out from the example. I must
have copied and pasted that bit of the file myself.

   "@@SBP how come we don't use foaf:name in this example?"

Because the domain of foaf:name is foaf:Person, according to the FOAF
schema [1]. I'd like to have a common property that we can use for both the
name of a person, and the name of a machine or service like the W3C

Hmm... actually, now that I review the FOAF page, there doesn't appear to
be any restriction on the domain of foaf:name. I am almost certain that
there used to be such a restriction, since I had to check it out for the
EARL schema a couple of months ago. Ah, here we go:-

 <rdf:Property rdf:about=""
 rdfs:comment="the full name of a person">

 <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="" />
 <rdfs:range rdf:resource="" />

]]] -

Then again, no one ever said that FOAF was stable :-)

BTW, don't forgot to put your name on it if you're editing it! A CVS $Id$
or $Date$ would be cool too.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :homepage <> .

Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2002 19:08:46 UTC