about Annotea Server specifications.

Hello,www-annotation members.
I'm looking for strict Annotea server specification.
As trying to implement annotea server,I read "Annotea Prtocols",but I
cannot figure out whole of requests sent by client and replies shoud
be returned for them ,e.g. server should interpret requests about
bookmark ,some query languages like RDQL or SPARQL ,etc.

I think that my implementation should be able to support all features
which supported by the server on http://annotest.w3.org/annotations.
But, I could not find documents which tell about strict server
specifications on annotea still now.

I want to know strict specifications or server implementation policy
about annotest.w3.org/annotations.
Please tell or suggest me about annotea server specifications.

thank you.

Akira SENO

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 06:25:49 UTC