Server development questions

I have spent quite some time attempting to install the annotation server
on a RedHat 7.3 server. Much of the time is spent dusting off old
compiling and perl knowledge but now I am completely stuck and need some

The latest problem is:

$RDF_Schema_URI is not exported by the W3C:Rdf::Atoms module at
../../../W3C/Annotations/ line 27.

This happens when I run "perl annotate DEBUG" from the command line.
What changes do I need to make to resolve this issue?

I have to say that the documentation at has boggled
my mind. Problems with CVS, lots of missing perl libraries, strange
checkout behaviors, cryptic documentation and broken hyperlinks make
installing the server a nightmare unless you *really* know what you are
doing. I see mention of a new version of the server. What is the status
of this? Do the installation documents reflect changes to files in CVS?

I will continue to RTFM and plug my way through this because I am very
interested in seeing what the annotation server is capable of and how
extentible we can make it. At this point it seems best to put it on a
shelf at least until there is a CPAN mod for it or at least updated
documentation. I am writing down additional installation documentation
from my inexperienced point of view and would be happy to share the info
with the maintainer of the website.


David Evans

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2002 01:07:09 UTC