Re: storing EARL in annotea

"Nadia Heninger" <>
> I'm not sure how Jim is posting to annotea,
> but I'm guessing that since the reports he gets back haven't been
> transformed the way I'm seeing mine be changed, he's at least including
> EARL in the body of an annotation.

Can you provide me with the Algae queries you use, and pages where you
have annotations stored.  So far all Algae Queries I do on EARL submitted
comes back all disconnected graphs, losing all the information - I assume
it's my queries, but haven't yet solved the problem.

For example, the algae:
(ask '(
 ( ?b ?s)
 ( ?q )
) collect '())

returns (modified to be valid.)

which doesn't associate the testSubject with the predicate, I always get
this result.  I need Algae help!

> A few warnings from my experience playing with annotea:
> 1. The documentation at
> is wrong.  Annotest gives errors if you try to just post straight XML
> it.

I have two clients which both post straight XML without problems, the
above page is wrong, but only in that it omits the <?xml ... > with that
included it works fine for me - what problems do you have? is a typical submitted
XML, with:
  Content-Type: application/xml
  Accept: text/xml
  user-agent: FillyJonk IRC Bot
  Content-Length: 1000

as the headers (content length obviously accurate.)

> Look at the source for
> for examples of how to
> submit things - for example, to submit an annotation you have post your
> content as w3c_annotate=<url-encoded rdf>.  Same idea for algae

I definately don't like this for submission - url length is getting long,
I don't trust proxy's even if I can trust annotest to be okay with it.

> 3. Jim has already discovered this, but annotest has a bug when it
> other RDF namespaces, and EARL 0.95 properties come back as
> <0.95:whatever>, which isn't legal and causes IE to complain and refuse
> show me anything.

This is solved if you use one of the test-servers - I'll leave it to
EricP if he wants to open it up to the list.

Also I believe it's important we agree on a namespace to use, algae
queries really need to know what namespace you are using and it would be
nice if we could all use the same one.


Received on Friday, 1 March 2002 07:17:21 UTC